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All Posts in Category: Homeopathy

Ear Infections and Homeopathy

Ear infections can be treated with natural homeopathic remedies in Mesa, AZEar infections are a common yet treatable condition in both adults and children. If left untreated in young children, it could lead to impaired hearing and a delay in speech. These infections can occur in the eardrum and middle ear, or in the outer ear. Classical homeopathy is often used for treating ear infections and is safe to use in pregnancy or with prescribed medication, as it has no side effects. It targets the cause of the disease, is derived from natural resources, and boosts the immune system. Here are some homeopathic cures used to treat ear infections.


A homeopath will recommend this when an earache commences suddenly, and if there is severe pain accompanied by a red outer ear and elevated fever. Belladonna will also be recommended if the ear pain moves down the neck and face. The patient may also have a sore throat.


This is usually recommended for a teething child with severe ear pain. These children are usually irritable and symptoms usually improve when the affected child is covered with a blanket. They may also have a runny nose.


This is recommended when a patient has reached the latter stages of ear pain. The patient is usually weak with a sweaty head, feet or hands. Earache here stems from behind the ear.


This homeopathic ear infection remedy is ideal for children who are calmer. They may have a discharge from the ear or nose with earache that intensifies at night.


This is often used when the middle ear contains pus, and if the patient suffers from excessive sweating in the head and throughout the rest of the body. The patient’s tongue may also be puffy with an increase in saliva. Earache may intensify at night and the patient may have foul-smelling breath.

These are just a few of the options available to a trained classical homeopathic professional. Please do not attempt to self diagnose or self treat. Treatments are specifically selected based on your physical symptoms, mental state and past medical history and should not be taken without the supervision of a trained homeopathic professional.


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The Importance Of Diet During Homeopathic Treatment

Diet is a very important factor with homeopathic treatments. in Mesa, AZHomeopathy, like any other science, is dependent upon precision and accuracy. As such, it is crucial that all hygienic factors be taken into account during homeopathic treatment, including one often overlooked variable: the patient’s diet. Much in the same way as grapefruit juice interferes with many common, traditional medicines, there are many food and beverage items that may disrupt (or “antidote”) the treatment prescribed by a homeopath. This is just one of many reasons that it is crucial to seek out someone who actually knows what they’re doing; one must take care to seek a professional, licensed homeopath, versus a friend or self-proclaimed “expert.” Those seeking treatment for a broken arm or heart disease wouldn’t rely on some mildly knowledgeable amateur, and similarly, it is vital to look into the background of any homeopathic professional before committing to their advice.

How Diet Can Effect Treatment

Numerous physicians and researchers have noted that many common foods and beverages can interfere with homeopathic treatment, with some professionals believing that these dietary articles may antidote homeopathic treatment. Some of the potential offenders include:

  • Alcohol
  • Cranberries
  • Pineapple
  • Onions
  • Mustard
  • Nutmeg
  • Certain pastries
  • Liver
  • Pork

Two items deserve special mention: coffee and conventional medications. The importance of a well-maintained and conscientious diet during homeopathic treatment is heavily rooted in the theories of Samuel Hahnemann, the creator of homeopathy as a science. He developed many of the standards and methods still in use today, including the notion that, simply put, in order to treat a disease at its core, one must eliminate any additional factors that may have a medicinal impact on the patient. The medicinal properties of coffee, as well as prescription and over-the-counter medications, have been observed as antidotes to several homeopathic remedies, causing many professionals to restrict their use in patients. These and all of the other above items may counter the effects of a homeopath’s prescribed treatment, and at the very least, these external factors can make it difficult to determine whether or not said treatment is working.

The Importance of an Informed Practitioner

There are many other items that physicians take into consideration; the list is extensive, and without the proper knowledge and training, one may either unnecessarily restrict their diet (potentially jeopardizing their health), or continue ingesting items that limit the efficacy of treatment (also jeopardizing their health). Obviously, a patient’s diet will be discussed with his or her physician. Different physicians practice different schools of thought on precisely what to avoid (some even eschew the idea of restrictions). Still, the fact remains that, regardless of approach, one is much better off seeking help from a qualified and licensed health care provider than they are “winging it,” or approaching someone who may do more harm than good; without advice from a licensed and certified homeopath, it is impossible to truly receive a holistic, comprehensive, and individualized approach with which to treat illness.

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Miasms and Disease – Part 2

In past posts this month, we have covered “Miasms: The Foundation of Homeopathy” as well as “Miasms and Disease – Part 1“.  If you have not read those informative and foundational posts, please review them so that you can continue your study of miasms in more depth and detail as we progress through this series.

After the three foundational miasms of Psora, Sycotic and Syphillis were defined by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, in the late 1700’s, additional researchers defined the following miasms:

The Tubercular Miasm lies somewhere between the Syphilis and Psora Miasms. Tuberculosis, along with other respiratory illnesses, are prevalent in this miasm.  Skin conditions, such as eczema, and bone pain illnesses are also included. This miasm is associated with mental restlessness and discontent.  These individuals are constantly seeking for a better life, relationship, job, etc.  They bore and tire easily and tend to be plagued with fatigue.  They are also prone to compulsive behavior and ritualism.  Autism has been associated with this miasm due to the repetitive tendencies of the majority of autistic individuals.

The Cancer Miasm typically involves a growth of some sort, such as cancer.  It also has a wide presentation because it attacks multiple organs. It can also present in reckless hyperactivity and excessive sexual activity.  The type of individual typically under this miasm is very empathetic, has difficulty making decisions, hypersensitive to criticism, are easily hurt (emotionally) and have a deep desire to please others.  They suppress their negative feelings like anger, fear and aggression.  They put  on an air of cheerfulness and dependability to disguise insecurity and fears.  There is often a feeling of being unfulfilled.

The Lyme Miasm includes Lyme disease.  These symptoms include aches, pains, skin lesions and fatigue. It is behind many “mystery” diseases and is often very difficult to identify and diagnose due to it’s varied and vast presentation in individuals.  In addition to the constantly shifting physical symptoms, there are also a host of mental symptoms to this miasm such as concentration issues and memory loss.  The individual may also be extremely irritable and have a tendency to push people away.

There are numerous other miasms which have been identified over the decades but these are the most widely accepted and most generally used by Naturopathic doctors and other homeopathic prescribers.  Next we will cover, why you need to be informed and concerned about miasms and how they are used to identify the proper treatments and remedies for illnesses and diseases.


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Serotyping and Diet – Dietary Serotype Panel

It has been observed that some individuals are less susceptible to disease than others and that persons with certain blood types seem to have higher amounts of specific types of diseases. The connection between genetic markers on red blood cells and susceptibility to disease has long been known by anthropologists and physicians and has been used to trace population migrations around the globe. Serotyping can be used to determine the best diet for your personal health.

In theory, the different blood groups evolved in different parts of the world depending upon the type of environment, society and availability of food sources. For example:

Blood type O is generally coSerotyping for diet in Mesa, AZ uses your blood type and genetics to determines what's best.nsidered the oldest blood type showing a prevalence for hunter-gatherer cultures. Because of the high protein content of their diet, group O individuals tend to secrete higher amounts of stomach acid in order to digest the protein. Therefore, it is not surprising that group O individuals have a greater incidence of gastric ulcer disease than the other blood groups. Blood group O is about 46% of the American population.

Blood group A was the next to evolve and emerged with the development of agricultural practices. Blood group A can be broken down into A2 and A1, with A2 having evolved sooner than A1. Blood group A is primarily associated with vegetarian food sources and individuals in that group secrete smaller amounts of stomach acid. Protein requirements are not any less than a group O person but the source is different. Group A2 persons can handle higher amounts of animal protein than A1 persons who look for their protein from vegetable and legume sources. Group A comprises 42% of the American population and group A1 comprises 80% of the group A individuals.

Blood group B was the next to evolve and is associated with cultures which use higher amounts of fermented dairy products. Persons who are blood type B tend to do better on diets which are high in dairy products and fish. Group B persons tend to have higher incidences of urinary tract diseases, such as kidney and bladder infections. This is due to an absence of the alloantibody B which conveys a greater protection against bacterial infections. Group B persons make up about 7% of the American population.

Blood group AB was the last to evolve and has been dubbed the “modern diet” blood type by D’Adamo & Powers. This is because an AB person combines the characteristics of groups A & B and therefore can tolerate a wider range of foods. Blood group AB persons can tolerate small amounts of many different foods where as the other blood groups will show a dietary or systemic reaction. Group AB persons tend to tolerate diets high in seafood, some dairy, nuts and grains. Blood group AB comprises 4% of the American population.

Importance of Serotyping

The reason blood grouping is important in determining a person’s diet is because of dietary lectins which are found in foods. If dietary lectins pass undigested into the intestinal tract, they are either recognized as self or non-self by the body’s immune system. Cooking eliminates a large percentage of dietary lectins but not all. Therefore, if digestion is compromised, a small percentage will make it through into the intestinal tract. It stands to reason that if raw foods are eaten, a greater percentage of lectins will pass into the intestinal lumen. However, if the proper amounts of food enzymes are present, this does not occur as the enzymes will complete the digestion.

Not all dietary lectins are incompatible. Depending upon the blood grouping, the body’s immune system will register the lectin as compatible and will not react to remove them. When the body perceives the lectins as non-self, they are removed from the intestinal tract by a nonspecific immune reaction which results in the release of histamines, activation of complement and IgA, resulting in inflammation. This nonspecific reaction is thought to be the basis of the food sensitivity testing done by the Voll or Vega methods. Prolonged gastrointestinal inflammation results in increased permeability of the gastrointestinal tract. Eventually the intestinal brush border breaks down resulting in unrestricted macromolecule permeability and eventual antibody formation. If it is the first exposure, IgM levels begin to rise, or if it a subsequent exposure, serum IgG levels will begin to rise or circulating immune complexes will be detectable. Either way it means that the person is now at high risk for the development of other diseases. This is thought to be one of the mechanisms of the development of chronic degenerative diseases such as arthritis, lupus, nephritis and cancer.

There are other blood group antigens which are involved in the determination of incompatibility of foods such as the MN and Lewis blood group systems. Of particular importance is the presence or absence of the secretor gene. The presence of blood group antigens in the mucus of secretors conveys an immune system advantage to the development of disease. This is achieved through the presence of silica acid residues which make the mucous “stickier” to offending allergens. Blood group O, A, and B secretors tend to have lower incidences of rheumatic fever following group A beta hemolytic streptococcal infection than do non- secretors. Clinically we see persons who are non-secretors with higher incidence of chronic degenerative diseases. Given the same disease in a secretor, the non-secretor will generally be sicker, develop a greater amount of pathology and take longer to recover from the illness.

It has been observed by physicians and those interested in diet and nutrition that not all individuals respond to the same diet. Clinical experience suggests that some persons do well on a vegetarian diet, while others do poorly and vice versa. Certain ethnic groups such as American Indians respond better to higher meat diets and do less well with dairy and vegetarian foods. Dr. James D’Adamo in his latest book on serotyping, The D’Adamo Diet, points out that persons who are heterozygous such as AO and BO retain certain traits of the individual blood types represented. Clinically we have made this observation as well.

Of the various allergy testing methods available each demonstrates strengths and weaknesses. However, if used in tandem, they can provide useful information to the physician. Serotyping provides a method to determine which type of diet is most compatible with the individual by providing a genetic, biochemical and immunological basis for diet selection. The test is done one time only and has confirmed the value of the  IgG Rast and Vega testing for food allergy.

Reprinted with permission from Thomas A. Kruzel, ND.

Disclaimer: No statements on this website are intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any condition or disease but rather are given for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of a licensed, trained health care provider when using any dietary supplements, herbal, homeopathic, over-the-counter medicines, prescription drugs or making any dietary or lifestyle changes.

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How Homeopathy Works – Homeopathic Remedies and Dosages

Homeopathic remedies are effective on many mental health disorders in Mesa, AZDetermining the dosage and potency (posology) of classical homeopathic remedies for any condition involves a thorough medical examination by a highly-trained homeopathic practitioner to determine which single remedy (simillimum) most closely fits the constellation of symptoms, and constitution of the individual. The patient’s physical and mental states are taken into consideration when determining the appropriate remedy and dosage, as are any possible miasmatic influences and tendencies, which are contributing to the diseased state.

In addition to assessing the condition of the mind and body of an individual, the practitioner will look at the potency of the remedy to determine proper dosage. The potency of a remedy refers to the dilution. A well-trained homeopathic practitioner will determine the appropriate dilution for a remedy based on the constitution, severity of the condition and the sensitivity of the individual to medicines in general . Counterintuitively, the higher the dilution, the more powerful the remedy. The practitioner will then provide instruction as to how frequently the remedy should be administered.

The most important thing to remember when determining a dosage for homeopathic treatments is that one should always consult a trained and licensed homeopathic practitioner, especially in cases of chronic conditions and behavioral disorders. A Certification in Classical Homeopathy (CCH) has emerged recently to identify those individuals who have received special training and case analysis in this area, however they may not have medical school training which would prevent them from making a formal diagnosis or ordering any laboratory tests. Self diagnosis and treatment are strongly discouraged, as proper diagnosis requires a complete understanding of the interconnectedness of mind and body. In addition, appropriate lab testing may be necessary with an extensive case-taking session to record all mental and physical symptoms in determining the ideal treatment plan. There are many homeopathic practitioners available to chose from however, board licensed Naturopathic Physicians are the only doctors who receive extensive homeopathic training as part of their medical school curriculum. Thoroughly researching the credentials and training of a homeopathic practitioner ensures that they have the knowledge and experience necessary to properly treat the condition in question.

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Treat Asthma With Homeopathy For a Permanent Cure!

Asthma can be effectively treated naturally in Mesa, AZAsthma is a difficult condition for anyone to deal with. Not being able to breathe properly is frightening and can be life threatening. Doctors may prescribe medication such as steroids or other types of inhalers, all of which may be used to reduce or slow down symptoms but not actually treat the condition. However, there are other options available, besides conventional prescription medicines. Homeopathy has the capability of treating asthma safely without the unwanted side effects often experienced with conventional medicines . Different treatment methods are available, based on symptoms, severity and when asthma occurs in the life of an individual. These conditions should not be self-diagnosed as it can lead to errors in the treatment process or even other more serious side effects. Instead, a licensed professional homeopath needs to diagnose the condition and prescribe the proper treatment based on the totality of symptoms present, including the mental/emotional state of the individual.

How to Find the Right Homeopathy Professional

So, how would someone find a homeopathic professional to treat asthma? They should not just go to a random individual who claims to treat asthma. Instead, they need to look for a licensed professional with experience, who has received the proper professional training. Naturopathic Physicians receive advanced training in the use of homeopathic medicines as part of their core curriculum in medical school. In addition, there are are a number of MD’s, DO’s and NP’s who have studied homeopathy outside of their formal medical training that are highly qualified and licensed to diagnose and treat medical conditions. Those homeopathic practitioners who do not have formal medical training (although some do) can apply for and receive a designation known as Certified in Classical Homeopathy (CCH) after intensive study and demonstration of detailed case management.

Available Treatments

One of the benefits of homeopathic treatment is the fact that each patient receives specialized treatments. It is not like prescription or over-the-counter medication where the same kind of drug is given to every patient. After all, each person is going to be unique and have a different medical history, symptoms and trigger points. Specialized homeopathic treatments is also why someone should never self-diagnose. Some treatments can prove more detrimental if not properly administered or used.

For anyone disappointed in traditional medication that has failed or produced unwanted, harmful side-effects and seeking a permanent cure for asthma, homeopathy may be the answer.

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How To Ease Back To School Anxiety With Homeopathy

Back to school anxiety in children can be treated with homeopathy in Mesa, AZIt’s that time of the year – when children may experience back to school anxiety about starting a new grade. Some kids may even be starting a new school or beginning school for the first time. Parents or guardians may be looking for ways to help reduce that anxiety. Homeopathy treats back-to-school anxiety very effectively through nutrition, medicines, and talking.


First of all, it’s important a child has reduced sugar intake, especially during anxious times. Anxiety makes the adrenals work as it causes high production of adrenaline and cortisol. These glands also have to work hard with a high sugar intake, so frequent sources of protein are important in taking the load off adrenal glands and balancing blood sugar.

The following vitamins are also very helpful in treating anxiety:

Vitamin C – supports the adrenal glands.

B Vitamins – very important for the nervous system.

Magnesium – helps a child be calm at night for restful sleep and is important for many systems in the body.


Homeopathic medicines can be very effective for back-to-school anxiety and they are also perfect to use with other types of anxiety that may be associated with going to a doctor or dentist appointment.

Aconite – Used when a child is very fearful and is restless. There may be a scared expression and trouble sitting still.

Argentum Nitricum – Used when a child has an anticipatory anxiety and feels very nervous. They are likely to have diarrhea and flatulence with the anxiety.

Arsenicum Album – Used when a child is very restless and insecure with their anxiety. They may show a degree of exhaustion but you know this fatigue has an emotional basis and is linked to anxiety.

Calcarea Carbonica – Used when a child is happy and easy-going for the most part, but can get very anxious and worry about small things when there is time to think.

Calcarea Phosphorica – Used when a child has headaches and/or tummy aches that prevent them from going. They may deny that there is anything wrong at school but they have the convenient ‘illness’ that allows them to stay at home. This is often times used for younger children.

Gelsemium – Used when a child feels weak and cowardly right before an event like a first day or exam because they feel the task ahead is too much to handle. Gelsemium should also be tried first before other homeopathic medicines when a child’s anxiety symptoms are hard to define.

Lycopodium – Used when a child is fearful about failing but covers it by looking overly confident on the outside. Performance is great but the child suffers extreme anxiety on the inside.

Pulsatilla – Used when a child tends to be very clingy, sensitive and highly emotional, needing lots of affection and support during times of change.

IMPORTANT: An experienced homeopath should be consulted for proper dosing.


A parent or guardian can help reduce a child’s anxiety by talking in the following ways:

Reassuring – Letting a child know that anxiety is normal will, in itself, help reduce anxiety.

Reflecting – This is done by observing a child and relaying the observations to open up conversation. A good way to do this is by saying something like “I could tell there was some anxiety when you were getting ready for school….is there anything in particular you are worried about?”

Validating – Explaining that anxiety is temporary and will get better will help a child realize that there is hope in overcoming the anxiety.

Showing Love – Making a child feel loved is the best provision a parent can provide that will help alleviate anxious feelings.

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Common Miasm Treatments and Medicines

Now that we’ve covered “Miasms: The Foundation of Homeopathy” as well as “Miasms and Disease – Part 1” and “Miasms and Disease – Part 2” we’ll take a look at why you should care about miasms and what they mean to you and your health.

Miasm treatments are generally called nosodes.  The word nosode comes from the Greek word NOSO, which means disease.  Nosodes are created or prepared from products of diseases or diseased tissues of human beings, animals and plants.

We’ll cover each miasm briefly below as well as the most common nosode:

The Sycotic Miasm is the miasm of excess and extremes and the conditions which result from consistently living in these extremes.  Examples of “extremes” are excessive eating and excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs. The primary remedy for this miasm is called Medorrhinum nosode.

The Syphilis Miasm involves conditions of “erosion” (destruction on all levels but not violent).  It involves conditions of self-destruction, ulceration and auto-immune diseases.  The person’s mental state is one of fear and anxiety. Often the fear is in the area of physical health issues.  The primary remedy for the Syphilis Miasm is Syphilinum.

The Psora Miasm includes diseases of lack and deficiency.  There is a poor defense mechanism and a tendency toward illness.  They catch every cold rolling through town and take forever to recover.  This miasm includes 85% of the illnesses and diseases (both physical and mental) according to Samuel Hahnemann, MD.  Psorinum is the primary medicine for this miasm.

The Tuberculosis Miasm includes respiratory diseases, such as tuberculosis.  This type of person is a “grass is always greener on the other side” type of person.  They are constantly changing jobs, relationships, homes, cities, etc. There’s an extreme lack of contentment and peace. The primary nosode for this miasm is Tuberculinum.

The Cancer Miasm encompasses all disease with growths such as cancer.  This person is a people pleaser and extremely insecure and self sacrificing.  Individuals with a family history of cancer and diabetes often present with this miasm. Carcinosin is the remedy used to treat the Cancer Miasm.

The Lyme Miasm covers conditions such as Lyme Disease.  Where the physical conditions change and evolve as the condition progresses.  There can be fatigue, skin lesions, aches, pains and feeling like you don’t belong.  The symptoms can come and go.  It’s deep and comes out in various acute and chronic symptoms.  The treatment nosode is the Lyme nosode.

Now that you’ve recognize yourself in one or many of these miasms, you may ask yourself why it matters.  Think about it…we’ve already learned that chronic diseases do not develop overnight.  They have to develop over time (sometimes years) and it only happens “if” the entire body is compromised. According to Hahnemann, miasms can be acquired throughout the individuals lifetime or inherited from previous generations. Seeking the diagnosis, treatment and medicine from an experienced Naturopathic doctor gives you the preventative tools you need to circumvent both acute and chronic illnesses.  It is also important to note that miasms if they are present are not always treated with the indicated medicines above. The presenting symptoms must match the symptoms that the homeopathic medicine would produce in an otherwise healthy individual. This is the Law of Similars, mentioned previously in another article. It is also important to remember that there are well over 3,000 homeopathic medicines available today to treat just about any known disease or condition. This is why it is very important to seek out an experienced Naturopathic physician or homeopathic prescriber, especially for the treatment of chronic disease.

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Miasms and Disease – Part 1

What are Miasms?

As we mentioned in our last blog, a miasm is defined as the fundamental cause of an erroneous or diseased state of the body. Chronic conditions are caused by chronic miasms, just as acute conditions are caused by acute miasms. Miasms cause a complete dynamic and physical change to the interior of the whole man…his whole being is altered. It is only after this complete change has occurred that symptoms of the disease or illness are demonstrated.

The original three foundational miasms identified by Samuel Hahnemann are Psora, Syphilitic and Sycotic. About 85% of the diseases are classified in the Psora miasm with the remaining 15% distributed between the Syphilitic and Sycotic miasms.

Starting with the miasms with the smaller percentage of diseases, we’ve listed each one below and their related diseases or areas of body where the disease might develop.

The Sycotic Miasm includes all conditions of excess of the mind and body. Any conditions with the prefix of “hyper”, such as “hyperactivity” and “hypertension” are included. It also includes conditions with inflammation and a suffix of “itis” such as “sinusitis”. It also includes the following types of disease:

  • sexual
  • urinary
  • joint issues
  • mucous membrane afflictions
  • arthritis and rheumatism
  • asthma
  • catarrhs
  • bronchitis
  • cystitis
  • warts (includes all warty excrescences and growths)

The Syphilis Miasm typically involves ulcerative conditions. All diseases with tissue destruction and degeneration are included in this miasm. All conditions with a preMiasms are the foundation of homeopathy diagnosis and treatment in Mesa, AZfix of “dys” are included such as “dystrophy”. It includes the following types of diseases:

  • nervous system
  • blood disorders
  • skeletal conditions
  • range of psychological disorders (including: alcoholism, depression, suicidal impulses, insanity, loss of smell and taste, blindness, deafness and ulcerations)
  • many heart conditions
  • some vesicular skin eruptions
  • diseases that have a definite nocturnal periodicity

The Psora Miasm is the largest and most encompassing miasm. Individuals with this classification typically have a “lack” of mentality and poverty consciousness. They are prone to anxiety and pessimism. The Psora miasm is a disease with deficiency at all levels – knowledge, thoughts/ideas and nutrition. Diseases in this miasm typically start with “hypo”, such as hypotension (low blood pressure). It includes diseases and afflictions such as:

  • all non venereal chronic diseases
  • all skin diseases
  • most mental illness other than syphilitic ones
  • allergies
  • varicose veins
  • hemorrhoids
  • most dysfunctional diseases of organs and systems
  • catarrhs
  • asthma
  • pleurisy
  • haemoptysis
  • hydrocephalus
  • stomach ulcers
  • scrotal swelling
  • jaundice
  • swollen glands
  • cataract
  • diabetes
  • tuberculosis
  • epilepsy
  • fevers

After the initial three primary miasms were identified by the father of Homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, MD in the late 1700’s, additional and more specific miasms where defined. Not all of them are widely accepted by Naturopathic doctors and other homeopathic prescribers. We will cover a few of these miasms in our next post.

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Miasms – The Foundation of Homeopathy

What is the origin of Homeopathy?

The father of Homeopathy is Samuel Hahnemann, MD.  Hahnemann, who was born in Germany, was a traditionally trained doctor in the late 1700’s and believed that the allopathic or conventional treatments for illnesses (both physical and mental) typically did the patient more harm than good.  In his research Hahnemann discovered that “like cures like”; meaning that the best medicinal or herbal treatment for an illness was one which produced the same symptoms in a healthy person that the disease presented in the ill person.

Although the Law of Similars mentioned above, seemed to work in the majority of the patients Hahnemann treated, there were still exceptions to this “law” when dealing with chronic illness and disease.  Initially, these chronic conditions seemed to respond to the indicated treatment but as time progressed the treatments ceased to work and the illness came back with increased vigor. This discrepancy lead Hahnemann to research further and develop the Theory of Miasms.

What are Miasms?

As Hahnemann described it, a miasm is defined as the fundamental cause of an erroneous or diseased state of the body.  Chronic conditions are caused by chronic miasms, just as acute conditions are caused by acute miasms.  Miasms cause a complete dynamic and physical change to the interior of the whole man…his whole being is altered.  It is only after this complete change has occurred that symptoms of the disease or illness are demonstrated.

Chronic diseases slowly progress and symptoms result over the course of a lifetime, due to an inadequate constitutional response to a miasm.  With respect to acute disease or illness, there is a rapid onset of symptoms progressing towards a crisis which ends in recovery or death without treatment. For example, cancer is typically a chronic disease that progresses slowly over years whereas the flu is an acute disease that progresses swiftly over a few days.  In both conditions, the entire body has to be compromised or changed by the miasm before the symptoms are demonstrated by the patient.

In Hahnemann’s research, he observed that a patient with a chronic disease would initially improve once the appropriate homeopathic medicine was administered. But as time progressed and the disease progressed, the medicine would cease to improve the condition and new symptoms would present themselves.

The three miasms that Hahnemann identified after 9 years of research were Psora, Syphilitic and Sycotic.  About 85% of the diseases known at that time, were classified in the Psora miasm with the remaining 15% distributed between the Syphilitic and Sycotic miasms.  The Psora miasm was the original miasm and the one that Hahnemann spent the bulk of his research and efforts understanding.

Disclaimer: No statements on this website are intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any condition or disease but rather are given for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of a licensed, trained health care provider when using any dietary supplements, herbal, homeopathic, over-the-counter medicines, prescription drugs or making any dietary or lifestyle changes.

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